Dear Colleague,
At the UNC Injury Prevention Research Center, we understand the challenges of working from home. From our partnerships with public health practitioners and trauma clinicians, we also understand that remote public health work impacts us differently. From issues around data collection and monitoring to reduced capacity due to emergency response, public health is being affected. We are committed to being a part of the evolution and solution.
With this in mind, we birthed our first comprehensive initiative for injury and violence prevention professionals – the ASPIRE Project. As you will see within the ASPIRE Project section, our first initiative seeks to create a comprehensive guide for adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and suicide prevention through the intersection of systems thinking and a shared risk and protective factors (SRPF) approach in a remote environment. Please check out our timeline page to follow-along on our journey. We will routinely update this website with the latest information. However, if you want to get monthly updates from us, please provide us with your contact information via our Contact Us page. Lastly, we want to hear from you! If you have thoughts or resources to share, please reach out and either I or a member of our team will follow-up.
In solidarity,
Belinda-Rose Young, MSPH, CPH
Director | ASPIRE Project
UNC Injury Prevention Research Center